Lorry maintenance

Lorry maintenance

At Fresh, HGV Lorry maintenance is an essential aspect of ensuring the safe and efficient operation of a commercial vehicle. Proper maintenance of lorries can prevent breakdowns, prolong the vehicle\’s lifespan, and ultimately save money on costly repairs. In this blog, we will discuss the importance and the steps that drivers and operators can take to keep their vehicles in optimal condition.

Critical Aspects of lorry maintenance


One of the most critical aspects is conducting regular inspections. These inspections should be carried out by trained personnel who have a good understanding of the vehicle\’s mechanical systems. Regular inspections help to identify potential problems before they become more significant issues. Inspections can also help to ensure that the vehicle is in compliance with all applicable regulations and standards.

Regular servicing to ensure lorry maintenance is maintained

Another critical aspect is routine servicing. Servicing should be carried out at regular intervals, based on the manufacturer\’s recommendations or as required by law. During servicing, the vehicle is thoroughly checked for any signs of wear and tear. Necessary repairs or replacements are carried out at the time.

Regular servicing of the lorry\’s engine, transmission, and other mechanical components are critical. These parts must be kept in good condition to ensure the vehicle\’s safe and efficient operation. Failing to maintain the engine and other critical components can lead to expensive repairs and potential accidents on the road.

Further Regular checks

Regular checks should also be made on the lorry\’s tyres, brakes, and suspension. Tyres should be checked for signs of wear and tear, including tread depth and air pressure. The brakes should be tested to ensure that they are in good working condition. The suspension should be checked for any signs of wear and tear, which can affect the vehicle\’s stability and handling.

Other critical tasks include checking and replacing the lorry\’s fluids, such as oil, brake fluid, and coolant. Regularly changing these fluids helps to ensure that the vehicle is operating efficiently and can help to extend the vehicle\’s lifespan.

 Driver role

In addition to regular servicing, there are other steps that lorry drivers and operators can take to keep their vehicles in good condition. For example, drivers should avoid overloading their vehicles, as this can put additional strain on mechanical components. Drivers should also avoid harsh braking and acceleration, as this can cause unnecessary wear and tear on the vehicle.

Lorry operators should also provide their drivers with regular training on safe and efficient driving practices. This training can help drivers to identify potential problems with their vehicles and take appropriate action to prevent breakdowns or accidents on the road.


HGV maintenance is a critical aspect of ensuring the safe and efficient operation of a commercial vehicle. Regular inspections, servicing, and maintenance are essential to identify potential problems, prevent breakdowns, and extend the vehicle\’s lifespan. Lorry drivers and operators should take a proactive approach to maintenance and provide their drivers with regular training. Training on safe and efficient driving practices. By taking these steps, lorry Costs are reduced and ensures that their vehicles are in good condition, ready to meet the demands of the road.

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